Sleep Science Podcast

Sleep Science Podcast

Penny Lewis

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, and this podcast is all about understanding sleep. We know a lot about what the brain does in sleep, but we are just starting to understand why it does some of these things, and even more excitingly, how we can take full advantage of sleep and also manipulate it for our own ends. In each episode, neuroscientist Penny Lewis interviews a different sleep researcher, talking about a various aspect of sleep science. Topics will include sleep physiology and medicine, circadian rhythm, how sleep impacts on our memories and creativity, Sleep Engineering for enhanced health and cognition, and the most recent technologies to promote sleep.©SleepSciencePodcast 2021. These materials may be downloaded for personal use only. They may not be shared, distributed or reproduced in any form or for any reason without express permission

Categories: Science & Medicine

Listen to the last episode:

For our end of season special, we have the rest of the NaPS lab in to answer a number of exciting sleep-related questions from our listeners. These touch on a range of different subjects from sleeps involvement in weight gain to alcohol's effect on sleep. Thanks to those who sent in questions!List of Questions:1. What is it in general anaesthetic that completely prevents a patient from waking up mid-surgery? Is this a similar state to being in a deep sleep or is this differ...

Previous episodes

  • 19 - S2E9 - End of season Q&A Session 
    Wed, 09 Mar 2022
  • 18 - S2E8 - Chiara Cirelli - Synaptic Homeostasis in Sleep 
    Thu, 13 Jan 2022
  • 17 - S2E7 - Reto Huber - Local Sleep, Sleep Homeostasis, & Brain Plasticity 
    Sat, 25 Sep 2021
  • 16 - S2E6 Wenbiao Gan - The role of sleep in synapse formation and elimination 
    Wed, 01 Sep 2021
  • 15 - S2E5 - Manuel Schabus & Kerstin Hoedlmoser - How babies sleep and what this means for their cognitive function 
    Mon, 13 Sep 2021
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